Program Participants

Be&Do Inc.Kazume Iwami
Tell us about Habi*do offered by Be&Do.
Habi*do is a web application that visualizes employees' hard efforts through SNS that reinforces engagement.
In the current era, there are numerous types of SNS but when they are broadly classified, I had the feeling that many of them were created for the purpose of exchanging information. Yet, in business, not only a simple exchange of information but also "behavior change" is important. We developed Habi*do with hopes to create an SNS by which users head for the same goal with their team members without realizing it.
In order to change behavior, it is important that the team members trust each other. A trusting relationship is especially important between managers and their subordinates, but managers are usually busy, facing difficulty in appropriately communicating with the members with perfect timing. In addition, recently, there are cases where people work remotely or work different hours, making the situation more difficult.
Habi*do is an SNS, so team members post their daily activities. Regarding such posts, an AI makes recommendations to the manager such as "now is the best timing to praise this member" or "this reaction would be appreciated." Through this process, team members and the manager can communicate, trust can be built and the members' motivation can be increased, eventually leading to the improvement of productivity.
Tell us what motivated you to develop Habi*do.
At first, I was engaged in a consulting service to improve team performance. As a result of extensive research, I found that organizations generating superior performance with stability had the following features: "their objective is clear, the process is shared and there is a trusting relationship."
If there is a trusting relationship, members will engage in friendly competition, leading the organization to a favorable direction. Good organizations are associated with behavior change which occurs with self-efficacy and cannot be achieved alone. Thus, building a trusting relationship leads to engagement.
Tell us about the future developments.
In companies which have actually introduced Habi*do, the relationship of trust in teams has improved, leading to, for example, decline in the turnover rate. This could lead to increased sales since know-how would not be leaked.
In the past, I believe many companies increased their productivity by improving efficiency. Yet, from now on, we must focus on engagement. I would like to popularize this idea together with Habi*do.