
Japan Acceleration Program

The Japan Acceleration Program provides growth-oriente female ventures with programs such as group mentoring and lectures for three months that enable them to acquire the management knowledge, skills, and networks necessary for scale-up and overseas expansion.

We will respond to various needs in consideration of the program students' intentions, entrepreneurial stage, business content, etc. In addition, we will evaluate the students from multiple perspectives and provide support tailored to the current situation of the students.

FY2024 (9th) Schedule

Schedule Serminars(Must Attend)
(Real event)
Course Category Main Theme(Main lecturers are in brackets)
Week 1 September 11 (Wed)
    Program Objectives / Ground Rule Orientation
Deepen mutual understanding among participants
Week 2 September 20 (Fri)
    Entrepreneurial Mindset Needs and Potential of Women Entrepreneur
Week 3 September 25 (Wed)
    Pitch Training Pitches/presentations that convey the “WHY” of the business
Week 4 October 2 (Wed)
    Business Plan Practices Requirements of a business model that can Scale-Up
October 9 (Fri)
  Group Mentoring 1 to 1 mentoring opportunity with mentors - Identifying Issues (1)
Week 5 October 9 (Wed)
    Organization Strategies for Startaup Understanding the organizational culture that will scale up your business and organization
Week 6 October 16 (Wed)
    Public Relations Strategy in Practice Aggressive PR Strategies for Scale-Up
Week 7 October 23 (Wed)
  Group Mentoring 1 to 1 mentoring opportunity with mentors - Refining Ideas (2)
October 25 (Fri)
  【Basic Course】Interim Review / Business Plan Business plan until the first sale is made @ Yurakucho SAAI Wonder Working Community
Week 8 October 30 (Wed)
    Legal and IP Practice Legal and IP Strategies to withstand Scale-Up
November 1 (Fri)
    【Basic Course】 Successful Fundraising for Startups Successful Fundraising for Startups @ Yurakucho SAAI Wonder Working Community
Week 9 November 6 (Wed)
    Fundraising Practices How do we succeed in fundraising overseas?
Week 10 November 13 (Wed)
  Group Mentoring 1 to 1 mentoring opportunity with mentors - Reflection Session (3)
Week 11 November 20 (Wed)
9:00 -11:00
    Global Scale-Up and Cross-Cultural Understanding Difficulties in Global Expansion and Handling
November 22 (Fri)
    【Basic Course】Pitch Training Individual Training on Elevator Pitch for Successful Financing @Zoom
Week 12 November 27 (Wed)
  Pitch Competition / Mutual Feedforward / Program Summary Pitch Competition / Mutual Feedforward / Program Summary

* Group discussions among participants are also planned for each seminar.
* Each workshop (mentoring and pitch training) will be conducted in a group format.
* There is a possibility of changing program contents and arrangements

In the seminar/workshop, participants will learn knowledge on the theme in a lecture format from experts, investors, entrepreneurs, and other speakers who have extensive knowledge of women's entrepreneurship in Japan and abroad. In addition, the seminar aims to build a community among participants by providing time for discussion among them. Finally, the seminar will provide an opportunity for participants to pitch their companies to actual VCs and entrepreneurial supporters, and provide networking opportunities with VCs and entrepreneurial supporters.

In the optional seminar, we will invite active practitioners in the field of the theme as lecturers to review the basic points to keep in mind in practice and help participants catch up with the program.

Group mentoring will be held to understand the issues and needs of each participant and provide individual consultation for scaling up. Based on the information obtained, we will provide mentoring opportunities with mentors according to each participant's situation, brush up on business models, organize appealing points for presentations, clarify scale-up plans including overseas expansion, and help to materialize means of financing.